NO. |
1 |
ICIS 2021: 049-026 |
Pengurusan Projek Dari Perspektif Pengurusan Berteraskan Islam Dan Barat |
2 |
ICIS 2021: 052-054 |
Development Of Rural Asnaf Entrepreneurs In Ledang National Park, Johor |
3 |
ICIS 2021: 058-032 |
Integrity Practice In Business: A Case Study |
4 |
ICIS 2021: 080-060 |
Tinjauan Kecenderungan Keusahawanan Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari UiTM Shah Alam |
5 |
ICIS 2021: 081-055 |
Nilai-Nilai Keusahawanan Mahasiswa Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari Terhadap Keinginan Membuka Perniagaan Selepas Tamat Pengajian |
6 |
ICIS 2021: 083-057 |
Impak Pembelajaran Kursus Pengajian Di ACIS Terhadap Keyakinan Pelajar Dalam Bidang Keusahawanan |
7 |
ICIS 2021: 264-322 |
Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students: A Literature Review |
8 |
ICIS 2021: 001-325 |
Analisis Kualiti Item Menilai Program Usahawan Asnaf Di Wilayah Persekutuan Menggunakan Model Rasch |
9 |
ICIS 2021: 233-247 |
The Rural Asnaf Entrepreneurship Development Model |
10 |
ICIS 2021: 191-181 |
Implications Of Sharia Financial Technology In Increasing Financial Inclusion In Medium Small Micro Enterprises |
11 |
ICIS 2021: 228-238 |
Islamic Financing Selection Among Small And Micro-Scale Entrepreneurs |
12 |
ICIS 2021: 112-252 |
The Asnaf Entrepreneurship Research Trend: A Systematic Literature Review |
13 |
ICIS 2021: 185-170 |
The Impact Of Subjective Norms And Strategic Management Of Women Asnaf Entrepreneurs In The Federal Territory On Business Performance: An Empirical Approach |
14 |
ICIS 2021: 234-246 |
Asnafs Microbusiness Ability For Survival In Internal And External Environment Perspective: A PLS-SEM Approach. |
15 |
ICIS 2021: 116-125 |
Kerangka Pembangunan Insan Dalam Mengupaya Keusahawanan Asnaf: Rasulullah SAW Sebagai Model Usahawan |
16 |
ICIS 2021: 254-273 |
The Youth Perception on The Education As Important Factor For Gramen Bank in Empowering Rural Women in Bangladesh |
17 |
ICIS 2021: 257-276 |
Using Metacognitive Strategies to Enhance Learners Ability to Become Al-Hafiz in Tahfiz Centre Rural Women in Bangladesh |
18 |
ICIS 2021: 262-284 |
Assessing Quality Culture in Islamic Higher Educational Institution: Instrument Development and Validation Study |
19 |
ICIS 2021: 060-222 |
Muslim Friendly Hotel (MFH) in Malaysia: Understanding the Market |
20 |
Towards Digitization of Supply Chain, Did Rural Micro-Entrepreneurs Do Make A Higher Gain?: A Preliminary Study Using PLS-SEM Approach |