Doctor of Philosophy In Contemporary Islamic Studies

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Program Description

The programme is aimed at producing scholars who are expert and competent in Contemporary Islamic Studies. It is designed to integrate Islamic juristic and theoretical knowledge with contemporary disciplines of studies. Areas of research available include contracts and transactions (muamalat), Islamic economics, Islamic banking and finance, Shari’ah and law, Islamic law and judicial system, halal, Islamic civilization, Islamic thought, comparative religion, Islamic education and management, and Islamic administration and management.

The Ph.D programme is entirely research-based. It provides a comprehensive training in research to produce original work in the form of thesis. The expected length of the thesis / dissertation should not exceed 100,000 words and it can be written in English or Malay or Arabic. All postgraduate candidates are required to attend courses in research methodology and thesis writing organised by Institute of Graduate Studies (IPSis). Candidate may also require to attend a pre-requisite courses conducted by ACIS.


Offering Campus: UiTM Shah Alam & all UiTM campuses


Entry Requirements

  1. A Master’s degree in a relevant field from UiTM or any institution of higher learning recognised by the UiTM Senate with a minimum CGPA of 2.75 or equivalent; or
  2. Other qualifications in a relevant field, equivalent to a Master’s degree recognised by the UiTM Senate.
  3. Each candidate must submit a research proposal describing the areas he or she would embark on.
  4. The acceptance of a candidate shall be at the discretion of the UiTM Senate, whose decision shall be final.


Mode and Duration

Full Time       :           3 - 5 years (6 - 10 semesters)

Part Time       :           4 - 6 years (8 - 12 semesters)


Postgraduate Research Areas

  • Muamalat
  • Islamic Thought
  • Shari’ah and Law
  • Islamic Economics
  • Halal Management
  • Islamic Real Estate
  • Islamic Civilization
  • Comparative Religion
  • Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Islamic Law and Judicial System
  • Islamic Education
  • Islamic Management


Click HERE for the estimation of the tuition fees. 


Career Opportunities

Graduates of this program will have an opportunity to be research consultants, religious advisors, managers or academicians in the government and private sectors.


Online Application

Applicant must first purchase the Pin Number from Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) by presenting Identity Card number with a payment of RM50.00 before application can be made online.


The printed application must then be submitted together with the required documents to:


Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS)

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Contact Us

Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS)
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan


Pejabat Dekan: +603-5544 2650
Pejabat Hal Ehwal Akademik: 03-5544 2364/ 03-5544 2670/ 03-5543 2684
Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pelajar : 03-5544 2135/ 03-5544 2644